FTCA Members Only Page and Hub Access
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Continuing Education
Members will soon be able to access CE courses through their membership.
Critically Appraised Topic Club
Your membership includes access to the CAT C. It is a book club, a research club, a discussion club, all rolled into one. With one key topic per month, it is a powerful way to expand your knowledge base and understanding.
FTCA supports World Spine Care and the Chiropractic Academy of Research Leadership.
Your membership helps to progress these institutions financially and beyond.
The FTCA is only $20 for students!
We are committed to supporting chiropractic students and their growth into the healthcare leaders of tomorrow. Your membership helps us deliver top notch content to chiropractic students throughout the world. If you are a student member, your one time payment covers your whole time as a student. Up to 4 years!
Annual: $79 USD
Monthly: $7 USD
Students: $20/4 Years USD
You’re not a lone wolf.
The Forward Thinking Chiropractic Alliance is a network of students and professionals who are committed to advancing the chiropractic profession with excellence and the best research.