Introduction to the FTCA Political Action Committee

Please take time to read the following introduction from Jonathan Parham DC, the Chair of the FTCA Political Action Committee.  A lot of people are very excited to see what may come out of this committee.  Myself, as the founder of the FTCA, all I could really hope for was that their actions will encourage someone, anyone to be involved in their professions political activities in any way possible.  Get out there and represent.  I promise you good things will happen.

Bobby Maybee DC


Hello FTCA! As chair of the FTCA Political Action Committee, it is my honor to help guide us through the political world in regards to chiropractic. My team and I have set some goals as to what we want to provide to you as members, and I want us to be as transparent as possible, so I have shared them below.

Our committee is not in the business of trying to create new legislation, but in supporting the political organizations and their agendas by rallying our troops with calls to action. This may be as simple as donations, or as involved as filling seats on state association or national association executive boards. We know that some states and organizations are less than aligned with our progressive nature, and we will address those issues through specific action steps. This does mean, that we will be calling on you to rise up to the call when needed! Without showing up, we have no voice. We intend to make our voices loud, and our influence far reaching.

More than anything, our goal is to streamline communication to you, our members, about what is actually happening in health care and how you can make an impact!

Below are our goals, they are lofty. But with time, and persistence, I believe they are attainable.

1. 85% of ftca members also be members of their national, and state associations(if applicable).

2. Annual fundraising of $50k for either the ACA or  state association PACs for SPECIFIC events/legislators. Monthly donations do not count.

3. One ftca member on each state association board within 3 years. Election cycles vary, and we will need time to work on this.

4. Broad involvement. Our goal as a team should be to raise awareness through grassroots efforts. I’d like to have every state(and maybe one person assigned to international affairs) assigned to a member of this committee. That person will be responsible for ensuring that our group is aware of the legislative affairs in relation to chiropractic and health care in that state. When needed, we will raise money, and/or, mobilize people in that state to take action.

5. My personal goal is to have every state association, ACA delegate, and any other groups, aware that we exist and will have a voice!

If you have questions, or want to know how to get more involved today, please never hesitate to reach out!


Jonathan Parham
Chair- FTCA Political Action Committee